Kit: MS490 for hard-wiring; Minnow4 speaker; 2x 470uF Flat Tantalums
Didn't get a set of photos showing the kit clearly, but the MS490 goes vertical at the front, with the Minnow4 tucked just
behind it at the top. Suitably insulated with Kapton tape or electrical tape to hold everything in place and protect it.
Here you can see the location for the 2 Tantalums on the side.
Some grinding of the inside of the metal body is required to get the kit to slide in without snagging.
Here the final results, actually a lovely solid model, and with the small stay-alive it even runs fairly reliably.
Here is another Peckett with similar kit, but this time with firebox glow light added too.
Kit: MS491; Minnow4; 2x 470uF Flat Tantalums
Time to do another Peckett, very similar approach, though the MS490 has been superceded by the MS491, and we go for a slightly
deeper Minnow speaker. Otherwise, the approach is the same.
This is before starting - the 6pin DCC socket is wrapped in insulated tape.
Here is the full kit we plan to fit...
The process begins... we remove all unnecessary wires, and neaten everything up so that it will be as compact as possible.
Hold in approximate position of where the decoder and speaker will eventually be.
Everything connects, mounted, and tested. This is as compact as the kit is going to get.
The final stage is to hollow out enough of the boiler to make space for the kit - it takes a while to grind out, with regular
test-fitting, but eventually we remove enough for the kit to slot on without catching.