Kit: MX658N18 (or MS580N18) optionally upgraded speaker to SugarCube5
The Farish SECR N Class has been updated from the 6pin DCC version to have a Next18 DCC socket and a factory-fit MicroCube
speaker - a welcome move for those wishing an easy upgrade to Sound.

The metal coal load just pops out to reveal the Next18 socket.

A simple job to fit a Zimo MX658N18 (or MS580N18). The smaller MX659N18 is also shown here for comparison, but there is no
need to go for the smaller one as the 658 fits just perfectly.

The factory-fit MicroCube speaker sits below a contact PCB, but unfortunately our model had a failed speaker, so we decided to
upgrade it rather than just fit a direct replacement speaker...

We first remove the 12x8mm MicroCube speaker component from the baffle, then file that platform down flat.

The SugarCube5 sits long-ways, just fitting in, and we protect the top from shorts with some Kapton tape. The speaker wires
are soldered directly to the speaker terminals and to the Next18 PCB.

The MX658N18 sits fairly flat, overlapping the speaker a little. Tender body back on, and all done! The upgraded speaker is
substantially better than the MicroCube would have been, so well worth the extra effort.

Some shots of the finished article looking fabulous...
