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Coupling Auto-Couplings

YouChoos Products

CT decoders provide comprehensive support for auto-decoupling devices, providing tuning for function output strength, and hold time, as well as triggering of automatic sequences where a single Function Key press can push the loco toward a wagon, activate the decoupling device, pull away from the wagon, then switch off the device. Front and rear coupling devices can be given their own tuning, and different Function Keys can activate front and rear decouplers.

CVs 152 and 153 determine which Function Keys activates the decoupling sequence for front and rear.

CVs 147 to 151 control the movement of the loco during this sequence.

CVs 55 and 56 define the strength of the decoupler's holding current, and the period to hold the decoupling device on.

CV 58 determines which of the AUX outputs have decoupling devices attached.

Experimentation will often be required to determine what values work best for a particular decoupling device, and motion configuration will vary depending upon the motor's characteristic, and the momentum CVs.


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